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Welcome to Berkshire and Hampshire Borders Methodist Circuit

In our Circuit we strive to proclaim and reflect the love of God as a justice-seeking Church. In doing this we shall place people before buildings, mission before maintenance, and God over church.

Welcome to Berkshire and Hampshire Borders Methodist Circuit

In our Circuit we strive to proclaim and reflect the love of God as a justice-seeking Church. In doing this we shall place people before buildings, mission before maintenance, and God over church.

Welcome to Berkshire and Hampshire Borders Methodist Circuit

In our Circuit we strive to proclaim and reflect the love of God as a justice-seeking Church. In doing this we shall place people before buildings, mission before maintenance, and God over church.

Welcome to Berkshire and Hampshire Borders Methodist Circuit

In our Circuit we strive to proclaim and reflect the love of God as a justice-seeking Church. In doing this we shall place people before buildings, mission before maintenance, and God over church.

Prayer of the day
A prayer for wisdom

Gracious God, we look to you for wisdom, often we look in the wrong places, missing the opportunity to learn of you from others. Your word, as expressed in the Bible, can be difficult to interpret in this divisive world. Show us your way through those we encounter who exude your wisdom in their love for their neighbours, and who emanate your justice from the very depths of their souls. Teach us to engage with the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants, as all are our neighbours and all are precious people to you. In Jesus' name we pray and for his sake, Amen.

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Registered Charity Number: 1134891

Contact Us
0118 958 1505

Berkshire & Hampshire Borders Circuit Office
84 Queens Road

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Berkshire and Hampshire Borders